A quick introduction about Linux, it was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 based on Unix. Which is more easy to use and some other factors included. It is open source meaning source code is made public hence therefore it has may distributions such as AWS Linux, RedHat, Ubuntu, CentOS, etc. It has enhanced security, mainly used in servers, nearly 90% of internet runs on the linux. Linux Architecture includes Hardware, Kernel, Shell, Applications lastly Users.
Next about directory structure meaning the way files and folders are arranged in operating system the top most level is root(/) directory within this comes may other directories such as etc, tmp, mnt, lib, bin, sbin, root, home which have there own respective use.
There are many commands which are used, here are few of them to list
Here’s showing host name ~ symbol refers to present working directory. $ represents non-root user, # represents root user
pwd - tells about the present working directory.
ls - to list the files and directories of the present working directory.
ls -i - listing based on inode values
ls -r - listing in reverse order
ls -t - listing based on time
ls -a - listing the hidden files
ls -s - listing based on the size
ls -l - for long listing
cd- - change home directory
cd .. - move to parent dir
cd / - mover to root dir
cd~ - move to current user dir
cd- - move to previous dir
mkdir - to create a directory
touch - create a file
cp - copy the data
cp -rf - copy data along with dir
rm - to remove or delete files
rm -rf - remove data along with dir
mv - move or rename files
sudo su - - changing to root user
whoami - current user who is logged in
who - shows users who are logged in
file compression & extraction
for compression: for extraction:
tar -cf tar -czf
cat > filename - insert data in file (crtl+d) to exit after entering data
cat filename - to display content
cat filename > file2name - copy data form filename to file2name
cat » filename - to append data to existing data
echo data > filename -insert data into file
echo data » filename - append data to existing data
grep - search though files to find particular text string
clear - clear terminal display
Some of the commands for Devops learning
chmod - changing files permission
read- 4
write -2
execute - 1
no permission - 0 eg: chmod 421 filename
ps - displays information about process running in system showing the process id, status, & how may time it got executed
ps -ef - list of all the process running in background
top - real time monitoring of process
kill <pid> - to kill ps
kill -9 <pid> - force fill
vim (vim editor) - vi file name press i for insert mode
press esc after entering data
:wq - write save and quit
:w - write save and continue
:q - quit
q! - quit without writing and saving
:wq! - write and quit forcefully